Sarcophagus Blog

Sarcophagus: The Evolution of Estate Planning

Written by Jonny Ringo | Nov 16, 2023 5:33:36 PM

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets and estates, the last decade has witnessed a significant transformation in the way individuals plan for the inevitable. Over the past ten years, the legal framework surrounding digital estate planning has undergone substantial updates. What was once a relatively uncharted territory is now supported by a more comprehensive and growing legal structure. Currently, 14 states, along with the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia, allow fully digital Wills(E-Wills). This means approximately %32 of the US population can use digital estate plans currently, and marks a significant shift in the traditional approaches to estate planning.

The digital landscape is in a constant state of flux, with new assets and platforms emerging regularly. From cryptocurrencies and NFTs to digital investments and social media profiles, individuals now possess a diverse range of digital assets that require careful consideration in how they are secured for passing down to an heir.

During the initial ideation phase, the builders of the Sarcophagus Dead Man's Switch envisioned an immutable, trustless, and secure solution with a 10-year time horizon to full maturity. The deliberate and planned approach to Sarcophagus's development mirrors the pace of change in legal structures and societal acceptance of digital estate planning. The builders recognized the need for a methodical and strategic growth trajectory to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the protocol. As we see increasing growth of the digital estate industry, Sarcophagus will likewise mature with a proven history as a secure and reliable tool.

This places Sarcophagus at the forefront of a paradigm shift, providing individuals with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of digital estate planning ahead of the adoption curve. As legal frameworks continue to adapt, and societal attitudes evolve, Sarcophagus remains poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of how we manage and bequeath our digital legacies.


EWill Legislation: Where We Stand and What Lies Ahead by Trust & Will:

What Is The Electronic Wills Act by Law District:

Trust & Will Closes First Electronic Will In The US by TechCrunch: